Elite IQ Vein Removal Laser: Pre and Post Care Instructions
How can I prepare for my Vein Removal appointment?
You must stay out of the sun for at least 2 weeks. Cannot be treated with a sunburn, fresh tan or someone who is planning to be in the sun.
Cannot be treated with sunless tanning products on skin. Discontinue use 2 weeks prior to treatment.
Cannot use antibiotics 2-3 weeks prior to treatment.
Avoid alcohol consumption 48 hours prior to treatment, as well as any NSAID (ibuprofen & any blood thinners).
If you are using any photosensitive medications, please consult with your treatment provider before booking.
Discuss with treatment provider about post treatment products.
Come to appointment with compression socks or pantyhose to put on post treatment.
To avoid unnecessary discomfort, you can shave any hair in the area that is being treated.
What are my post care instructions? What should I expect post Vein Removal Laser treatment?
You will feel a warm/sunburn-like sensation for about an hour post treatment.
Expect redness and swelling, as well as darkening of vessels, for the next 2 to 3 days. This can be treated with an antihistamine if desired.
Keep treated area elevated for the remainder of the day.
You can apply an ice pack to the treated area for increments of 30 mins at a time.
Only apply post treatment skincare that was given or directed by your treatment provider.
Avoid sun exposure, intense workouts, excessive heat, hot showers, hot tubs and saunas for at least 48 hours.
An approved SPF must be worn daily along with a hat, if outside for a long period of time.
An approved cooling spray may be used for comfort, if needed.
Vein Removal Laser treatment can be repeated in the same area on monthly basis until desired results are achieved.
Is there downtime with Laser Vein Removal treatment?
Avoid all activities that could promote vessel expansion for 24 hours. Plan accordingly when considering what time your treatment is and how soon you can elevate the area treated.