Infinity Medspa and Wellness

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SKINVIVE GLOW All Winter Long!

Looking for a way to beat that dreaded cold weather induced dry skin?! - SKINVIVE IS THE PERFECT SOLUTION!

We are thrilled to offer JUVÉDERM’s latest product at Infinity MedSpa in Charlotte, NC! SKINVIVE is a first of its kind hyaluronic acid that boosts hydration and improves texture in the cheeks. SKINVIVE will leave you with a lasting glow throughout those dry winter months!


Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring molecule that can be found throughout the body. It can be found in many of your favorite moisturizing skincare products due to it’s incredible ability to retain water.


No! SKINVIVE is microdroplet injectable that, like filler, comes in a syringe. SKINVIVE’s tiny microdroplets are injected near the skin’s surface, where filler is injected deeper into the skin to rebuild lost volume.


SKINVIVE patients are seeing the beautiful glow lasting up to 6 months! It takes around 4 weeks to start to see the results from the initial treatment.

This is the perfect treatment to have with the holidays coming up, cold weather and everyone turning their heat back on! It helps hydrate everyone’s skin no matter your age, ethnicity, or skin type! SKINVIVE by JUVÉDERM is perfect for everyone! You can even add it on to your next appointment at Infinity MedSpa!

Book your SKINVIVE treatment at Infinity MedSpa and Wellness in Charlotte, North Carolina now to glow your way thru the holidays!