One of the main benefits of a CoolPeel is that there is minimal downtime. You should expect to be a little red, as if you have a sunburn, for five to seven days, but nothing should prevent you from returning to your normal daily activities. Your skin may feel dry and scaly as it heals so it is important to keep the skin hydrated and follow the regimen you provider suggests to you.
When will I see results?
You will start noticing improvements after one week. The collagen production has been stimulated, and your skin resurfacing has begun. You will see real improvements as your outermost layers of damaged, dull skin cells are shed and replaced with younger, healthier cells. Texture issues, sun damage, age spots and pigmentation, overall dull skin - these will all improve dramatically beginning after about a week. Your new, healthier skin will continue to reveal itself moving forward.
Pre and Post Treatment Instructions
Pre-Treatment Instructions: Follow all instructions given to you by your providers. For example, no retinol, acids, exfoliants, no sun. Take Valtrex if prone to cold sores.
Post-Treatment Instructions: Following your treatment, you provider will give post-care instruction sheet to take home. No retinol, acids, exfoliants, no sun. Gentle cleasner and moisturizer only for basic skin care. A vitamin C product can be used post treatment as well. Growth factor and other restorative ingredients can be used to help with downtime.